Sales 2B
Sales 2B is a service that helps organizations use the latest models to reduce sales costs, increase sales, and make sales more effective. Using modern models, we combine sales and marketing so they are seamlessly aligned. Identical goals and objects and both working on the same page to achieve the same thing. Not a division of efforts, but on the contray a combined culture and effort to achieve long term sales.
Sales 2B Lead Generation
the Sales 2B Lead Generation program combines concepts, theories and models from Inbound Marketing, modern automation tools, social media tools and traditional relationship sales. From the very beginning till now, Business has always driven sales from building relationships and turning those into sales. Networking to build those relationships. Today this model still works, although with business now being global and mobile building those relationships makes it more difficult. This model uses the relationship framework as the basis along with some inbound marketing theory and some automation tools and extensive sales and marketing expertise to achieve excellent hit rates, 20 to 30% versus the 1 to 15% other lead generation models.
The Story:
I had a client who wanted to create 5 leads per week via inbound marketing. Unfortunately, the way inbound marketing works you need to create a lot of content which costs over $10,000 a month. These inbound marketing programs can produce over 100 leads per month which is too many for my client. These models are not scalable downward. I went about to find someone who had a smaller scale version, yet no marketing companies had anything. So I went about working with him to create a model. We created the early version of the Sales 2B Lead Generation model. It was amazingly successful. It combined the relationship sales model with inbound marketing tools and we had a 30% hit rate. The first week we created 17 leads and it grew from there. We can scale and throttle the model to produce the number of leads required with about 3/week being the smallest that makes economic sense. Other clients heard about the success and tried with similar success. The model evolved and I then spent a few months figuring out a back end so that I could deliver this to multiple clients at the same time. We continue to achieve 20-30% hit rates depending on the industry and target group, but that still outperforms any other model. Today the model is ready for any B2B service or B2B sales person who is looking to easily generate leads that they can then close. These leads are cultivated, self-identified as active buyers and we set up the first meeting, call or face-to-face. The model is ready to be used and is scalable