
The Story of BricConsulting

It was 8:30 am on a rainy day in October, Brian is sitting in traffic on the 404, he is thinking again of a couple of friends who run their own businesses.  Both were challenged with critical decisions that might make or break their businesses.  Brian is thinking about those conversations and how there isn’t an affordable soluton for them to get help so they turn to friends.  Brian started thinking about how he could design a program that would provide business owners what they need to take their business to the next level.  That is when the concept that is now Foundations Small Business Association took root.

Brian Crew Bio

Brian started his career with Ernst & Young’s Management Consultants where he worked on performance improvement for crown corporations.  He then held various senior leadership positions  in various small businesses across various industries.  He is known for turning around businesses and teams.  His strength is his creative problem solving, business planning, revenue generation including sales and operational efficiency focussed on cutting costs and improving quality.

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